The Mosaic BizOps Blog
Relatable stories and tips from fractional employment brand strategist and change management consultant, Jessica Stephenson.

9 Tips to Build a Change-Ready Company Culture
Learn about 9 best practices for priming your company culture to be "change-ready" using lessons from the teenage soccer field that have utility for the workplace.

“Ready” Over “Perfect” During Change Initiatives
Here’s some good news: all the time that you might churn in your attempts to polish something to perfection can be saved if you just focus on aligning with others to define what “ready” looks like, instead of "perfect."

Avoiding "Change Muck": A Question Checklist During Simultaneous Change Initiatives
Senior HR and talent leaders are well positioned to lead organizational change initiatives by asking the right questions to avoid "change muck" early in the process based on their understanding of workforce behavior and impact on employee experience.

Piloting Change: The Strategic Impact of Carefully Curated Pilot Teams
It’s easy to get excited about rushing the rollout of a new, “shiny” technology implementation, workflow process or employment policy that an organization is finally launching–perhaps after dragging its feet forever–and to do so while forgetting to test it before it is unleashed on the entire workforce. In this article, we’ll cover how to choose the right pilot team, why you should communicate a pilot’s purpose, and how to engage pilot team members in a successful test before launching your internal change initiative to the entire organization.

Change Made Easy: How an Internal Framework Simplifies Change Management
There’s no getting around the fact that major organizational change isn’t always at the top of every employee’s to-do list. Change is hard. Change takes time. Nevertheless, change is generally necessary for innovation and ultimately long-term organizational survival. So how can leaders make change more palatable…dare I say, even somewhat pleasant? The answer is: rollout a related framework for the change!

How to Engage Reluctant Stakeholders During Business Transformation
When was the last time your team jumped for joy at learning about a new CRM platform adoption or other significant technology or process initiative? "Rarely," you say? In this blog, learn about resources such as the "Magic Paradox" in the savvy change manager's toolset to help reduce project stakeholder resistance to change.

7 Noteworthy Reads and Listens for Business Transformation
Don’t miss this list of compelling books and podcasts to consume for perspective on managing business transformation initiatives to successful outcomes.

Navigating Business Transformation: The Power of Saying What Isn't
Learn how to state not just the intended objectives for a business transformation initiative, but also a list of items that will NOT be accomplished to create clarity with stakeholders.

5 Reasons Companies Misstep on Change Initiatives
It was a chilly evening – under a blanket on the bleachers – with a familiar scene in front of me. My son’s high school marching band was rehearsing a segment of their show for probably the 20th time that night during a 3-hour practice. Once a week, band enthusiasts in our community are invited to watch the show to see how it has evolved since the previous week.